Maximizing Success Through Peak Mental Performance

How We Help

Think about this: how much of your sport is mental?

Whatever sport it is, team or individual, physical or non-contact, fast-paced or slow-paced, some aspect of that sport is mental. For each person that answer could range anywhere from 5% to 100%, but no one would answer 0%. Justin’s philosophy centers around the fact that everyone can benefit from mental skills training. Just like lifting weights to increase strength, you can also perform mental exercises to increase mental aspects of sport like focus, drive, and pre-performance preparation.

Justin applies a person-centered approach to mental performance because he knows that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy to improving your mental game. With past individual and group clients, Justin has helped in the areas of self-talk, imagery, time management, dealing with outside stressors, and more. MindStrong Performance emphasizes the fact that for improving an athlete’s mental game, what happens off the field can be just as important as on the field. Moreover, the program underscores the importance of building mental resilience through consistent practice and reflection, recognizing that developing a strong mental game is an ongoing process. By tailoring mental training techniques to each athlete’s unique needs, Justin ensures that every individual can unlock their full potential and achieve their goals both in and out of competition.

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